Shell hunting

For years I spent my entire Spring Break bent over looking for special shells and sand dollars along the shore. Some years the sand dollars were everywhere, other times not so much. I was queen of the shell and sand dollar hunt.

I have little interest in hunting now. However, I see so many beach goers with a bag in hand hunched over, I can’t resist to slow my walk and begin to look carefully.

Over and over us shell hunters spot a little something, hoping to uncover it to find it complete. The bigger the shell, the less likely it’s the whole shell.

I see a shiny hump covered in the sand. The waves graze over it slightly. It’s the first shell I’ve picked up all week, and it’s the last day of vacation. Whenever you pick up a shell, it’s looks can still be deceiving as you begin to turn it over to see if both sides are complete. It’s big. The size of my palm. The front spiral is complete. I turn it over. No cracks. No chips. My first thought, someone must have put this here as a prank. I look around. Nope, it’s legit….

“*anonymous* will love this!” I am tickled. It’s the best shell I’ve ever found and I can’t wait to give it to one of the younger girls that travels on vacation with our entire crew. She’s about 9 years old and has been shell hunting all week.

Charlie and I are on a walk toward the young girl’s condo. As we get closer we see them out on the beach hunting for shells. Surprise surprise. “*girl’s name*! You are going to love the shell I found!” I hold out my hand to display a small dinky shell, more common, but still beautiful. Gotta play it up a bit!

“Oh, that’s nice.” She’s sweet have responded so kindly to the almost thirty year old that’s proud of a tiny shell.

“I’m just messing!” And whip around my other hand to reveal the show stopper. Her draw drops. “It’s for you!” I cheer.

Kelsey and Shelby (the girls my age) ask if I’m pulling their leg. “Brittany, did you really find this or did you buy it?” Kelsey asks.

“Kels, I am seriously just a shocked. When I picked it up, I looked around to see if someone had put it there on purpose… To make someone think they randomly found a good one.” The shell has the slightest imperfections and you can tell it wasn’t purchased at a souvenir shop, and we are all still stunned.

“You’ve always been the best shell finder.” Kelsey laughs. And I laugh too.

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