Day 29- Gratitude- “passing” an important test

A secret I am sharing with the Slice community…

I took a test recently. Lately, I’ve taken the same test. Over and over. It’s not academic based. However, you could say I’ve been “studying” and “preparing” for this test. Recently, and when I say recently, I mean like last week, the results of my latest test showed what I wanted them to. I guess you could say I passed…

One might think, “Goodness. Isn’t it a tad early to share such ‘early results’?” I disagree.

Today, I stand in my joy and share my joy.

21 Replies to “Day 29- Gratitude- “passing” an important test”

  1. Will this test take months to show its results? And when it does, will it melt your heart? If it is, CONGRATULATIONS!!! If it’s not, you have to tell me what it’s about because my curiosity is killing me!!

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