Day 24: Gratitude- The Vitamix

If you know me, you know my husband and I are savers. We spend little, buy used items, and just make it work. However, there are a few items that are outliers. One of them being our blender. 

I’ve been making morning smoothies for about the last 7-8 years. It all started when I took an unintended break from teaching and nannied for a high-net-worth family in Chicago (and Miami, FL) for a year. There was a full-time chef, two nannies, as well as a few PA’s. Smoothies were made daily- kale, dandelion greens, berries, and almond milk were the staples. I loved them! I liked starting my day knowing I got in some great nutrients to start the day. Of course, every meal in that house was always nutrient dense. One of the other nannies bought me a nutri-bullet for Christmas that year, and I’ve been making smoothies ever since.

Right after my husband and I got married five years ago, I asked for a Vitamix. The nutribullet was okay for one person, but not as big as I’d like it to be for two people. It was clear we were consistent in making them and the blender wouldn’t go to waste.

Fast forward to today- we still make smoothies. And when I say we, I mean my husband. Somehow over the years he took this on, and why would I argue that?! As soon as we started to grow our family, we changed our tactics. We started prepping them just like our meals. We make a few batches on Sundays and freeze them to use throughout the week. Then the night before we just stick them in the fridge. I find comfort knowing our boys ate something that had some nutrients in it. I don’t feel quite as bad when we are doing another night of mac-n-cheese or chik-pea patties.

My latest excitement with our blender…cashew milk! I’ve been wanting to make my own milk ever since my nanny experience. On random occasions the chef would make some almond milk. It seemed relatively easy and just intrigued me. I’ve had my cheese cloth still in its unopened packaging for about the last three years. Finally, last week I dived in. I soaked the cashews for 6+ hours, measured out the water, and turned that bad boy on high for two minutes. The bonus with cashews is that you don’t even need to strain it. Even better! I didn’t like the idea of the added commitment of boiling the nut bag after every use. I’ll pass on that.

Why have I waited this long?!? The best milk I have ever tasted!  Now my three year old still needs a little coaxing of course, but he will come around. Ollie loves it! And, I love it. I love knowing exactly what’s in it and the choice I get to make to store it in a toxic free glass container. I like knowing I will never throw away another 2-liter milk carton. Okay, never say never because I am sure sometimes we will be in a pinch!

The Vitamix was a splurge for us, and over the last 5 years, it has served us well.

11 Replies to “Day 24: Gratitude- The Vitamix”

  1. Our Vitamix gets rave reviews in our house as well. It started as a present for my husband. (I bought a refurbished one as I couldn’t quite justify the cost of a new one.) He loves smoothies as well and uses an ice base. Inexpensive blenders couldn’t quite hack it and we would go through one every few months. Since the Vitamix splurge nine years ago we haven’t needed another one. We also make our own peanut butter and almond butter. I’m with you – it was worth the splurge!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! That is awesome to hear yours in nine years and going strong. I have high hopes this will last us a lifetime! ha

      And oh wow! almond butter?!? I have wondered but never looked into it! Any tips? That would be amazing to make my own!!


  2. Yay! We are a little boring with ours lol. We’ve used the same smoothie recipe for years but it more of just an eye-ball recipe than measuring anything- one orange, 2 bananas, few scoops of frozen berries, TONS of spinach or kale, almond milk, and some ice! We’ve done soups in the past but I havent used it for a soup in a long time. I do have a great marg recipe if you want that! haha


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