Day 6: 1 apartment, 1 bathroom, and 3 adults (my marriage and my dad) and now a baby

Tiny houses. I have always found them fascinating! Then you find yourself living in a tiny house apartment…. with three adults (my marriage and my dad-which I call Roomie), one bathroom, and now a baby. 

We’ve been making it work (minus the new baby) for over two years. My husband, Charlie, is a saint. Charlie moved in just before we got married. A new marriage while living with my dad… It’s been unique. And I truly appreciate my dad allowing us to live here! It’s been a great opportunity for Charlie and I to get on our feet.

Moreover, my husband, Charlie, is a quiet man. Due to our situation, my dad knows him well- the two men most important to me. Well now I’ve got three important men with my newest little man! My dad knows how well Charlie takes care of me, how selfless and hard working he is.  And now, my dad gets to witness Charlie up-close as an amazing father.

This summer Charlie and I will be ready to buy our first home. Until then, we all make it work in our tiny apartment with our newest addition. Life couldn’t be sweeter.

13 Replies to “Day 6: 1 apartment, 1 bathroom, and 3 adults (my marriage and my dad) and now a baby”

  1. Wow, three adults and a baby in one apartment. I hope it has two bedrooms. No matter what size the house you get in the summer, it will feel spacious. And your dad will probably have mixed feelings when you move out. Good luck with house-hunting

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  2. Here I am complaining about moving. I needed this today. Realizing, as long as you have those who love you more than life around…. anything can work. Good luck lady.

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    1. We considered it, but actually- my parents are still together… long story short, my dad works in the chicago suburbs during the weekend and travels home (central Illinois) to be with my mom on the weekends. He retires early summer. He will sell the condo and Charlie and I will buy our own home 😉 Timing worked out will that my dad could have some company while he worked in the burbs!


  3. We lived with my dad for 5 years. McK came home to that house. She celebrated her 2nd birthday there. We moved into our home in DG just 8 weeks before G was born. I get it. Although we were lucky to have had a much larger living area when we were with my dad, it’s still tough to share your space. Good for you guys for doing it for so long?

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    1. We are so blessed! He knows what a big help he has been for us financially. The time spent together has been awesome! I love that he gets to spend extra time with my husband and to see what a great man my husband is, too!

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