Day 4: It’s Go Time

Feb 26 continued

Charlie makes it to the hospital by 11:40. I have anxiously been awaiting his arrival. We had agreed over the phone that we wouldn’t start calling any family until we were both together.

We call my parents. We call my sisters. And we call up my grandparents. Everyone is surprised of course. No one expressing their concerns of a premie baby over the phone, and those thoughts don’t even cross my mind. In my heart I know my baby is ready to be here.

Charlie sent out a funny quote to his siblings. It was the words his dad muttered to Charlie’s mom when she went into labor with him. It was sweet and a sentimental memory as his parents have both passed in recent years.

All the cords and IV feel restrictive. I want to pace around the room. I want to sit. I want to stand. I want to curl into a ball- and yes I do curl up on the floor a few times during my contractions. I want to bounce. I want to pace. I want to sit. I don’t really know what I want, other than the pain to stop.

I told myself I wanted to have our baby naturally, but that I would stay open to the idea of an epidural. I reminded Charlie throughout our pregnancy he would have to keep me strong, and encourage me when it got hard. He does. He really does. He rubs my back. He helps me move about the room. But the thought of these contractions lasting anywhere from an additional 12-24 hours is too much for me mentally. By 3:00 I officially cave and request the epidural. And I don’t regret it a single bit! By 4:00 I am relaxed. Comfortable. It’s the first time I actually look at Charlie today without grimacing.

My doctor’s office is just catty-corner from the hospital. Her shift at the office ends at 7pm and based on my progression, the nurses determine the timing will be perfect to start pushing when my doctor ends her shift and comes back to the hospital. Great! Our baby will be coming tonight! With every hour, reality sinks in. Our baby is almost here!

With the last few hours before I start pushing, we finalize our baby names for a boy or girl. My parents and sister arrive at the hospital. Charlie has a few siblings out of town, and the other is sick with a cold. We take a moment to pray for the safe arrival of our sweet baby. I watch the clock count down ’til 7:00. Our doctor arrives around 7:30. It’s go time!

19 Replies to “Day 4: It’s Go Time”

  1. Ahhhh I am so happy for you reading this!!! I am also so happy you were able to capture this amazing experience with SOL. You will value this so much in years to come!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So many memories coming back from my children being born. Special times, Britt. Enjoy every moment. And continue to write things down. The sheer exhaustion of the next three months will make it difficult to remember some of the best details. So happy for you two.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m impressed that you are writing this all down. After giving birth to my children, time took on a funny quality & I kind of lost track of the details of the labours – thank goodness my husband and our doula were there to pay attention!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Just checking- did you decide to participate in the challenge? I figured not bc you have enough checking in on everyone. I just wanted to find your blog and read if your were 😉


  4. This is so great that you are recording all of this down in your blog. The biggest reason I love doing this challenge is that it is so fun to go back and read what you wrote later on. I know this is a big memory but you’d be surprised at the little parts that you’ll begin to forget over the years! Congrats!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh MY. I have just now binge read all of these on my lunch break. Cannot believe I just now saw them! I love that you’re taking the time to write this all down! I am so happy for you guys and seriously cannot wait to meet little baby Graves. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You are going to look back on the next 30 days and be so proud of how you have captured all of these memories. I am loving loving through each step of the way.

    Liked by 1 person

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